The North Texas Commission is excited to re-launch the Emerging Leaders of North Texas program (formerly Leadership North Texas University). This program provides rising young professionals with the knowledge and resources to enhance their professional development with an additional lens to learn about the North Texas exponential growth, challenges and opportunities.

A Program for Rising Stars in Corporate, Non-profit and the Public Sector

  • Young professionals in any industry who reside in the North Texas region.

  • Ages 20-40

  • Professionals interested in professional development, NTX regional topics, and building and managing relationships while contributing to the community

Key Objectives

  • Learn about the region’s exponential growth, challenges, and opportunities (regionalism, workforce, education, social determinants of health, etc.)

  • Gain insights about how to invest in yourself, manage relationships, accelerate your career, and contribute to the community.

  • Interact with regional executives and elected officials on the issues facing North Texans and how to engage effectively to create a vibrant community.

  • Receive individual one on one executive coaching sessions.

Program Schedule

The program is five months long and kicks off on August 22, 2025 with a retreat and concludes on December 5, 2025 with a graduation ceremony.

** In addition to the sessions, participants may choose to participate in a one on one coaching session with a Board Certified coach during the Program.

Some dates are subject to change due to venue availability and weather issues. ELNT will advise you of date changes as soon as they are made.

Participation in the Emerging Leaders program requires a monthly time commitment. We allow for up to 7 hours of excused absences, but we highly encourage all applicants to check the dates to ensure they are able to attend the majority of the program days.

Where will the program meet?

All sessions will be hosted in select locations across the North Texas region.

Program Cost

The five-month program costs $2,200 for young professionals working in corporate and $2,000 for those working in the non-profit or public sector. This fee is nonrefundable, cover speaker fees, program materials, meals, etc.

How To Apply

Applications are now open until May 19, 5:00 p.m. CST, and the process is quite simple. Here’s what you’ll need:

1.       Complete the Emerging Leaders of North Texas application

2.       Answer all four short answer questions (in application)

3.       Understand the tuition payment required to start the program (by credit card, or be invoiced)

4.       Forward this recommendation form link to a professional contact that can endorse you

5.       Upload most up-to-date resume and headshot (in application)

For any questions, please contact Caitlyn Sartin at